
Fitzdares is a very different kind of bookmaker, offering a level of personal service associated with the past. You can still call Fitzdares to place a bet and your call will be answered by a member of the team who knows you and will greet you by name. They will offer any Highclere owner best available odds for any HTR horse running.

 Fitzdares also offer hospitality in a beautiful club created in Mayfair, where racing and other sports can be watched at any time or over lunch or dinner in very comfortable surroundings. In addition, they have created a beautiful club room at Windsor racecourse, where members can relax and be treated to drinks at the bar. More recently they launched a golf club in Gloucestershire in combination with Ben Pauling on the Naunton Downs estate.

 Fitzdares, much like Highclere, offers a kind of service unrivalled in the industry, so it wasn’t surprising that the two companies have formed such a strong relationship. 

If you might be interested in becoming a member of Fitzdares, please email Alex Smith

CLICK HERE to view the Fitzdares Club Website


The Jack Russell Inn


Meet the man behind Britain’s most successful racehorse-owning syndicates, Harry Herbert